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Archives Générales Société du Sacré Coeur

The Archives Générales Société du Sacré Coeur (AGSSC) are the historical archives of the Generalate of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Since 1973 these, along with the provincial archives of Italy, have been permanently housed in the beautiful and historical Villa Lante in Rome. The primary mission of the AGSSC is to preserve and make available the memory of the Congregation and its charism through the documents and other materials that bring testimony to the mission as it has been lived since its foundation and in different places around the world.The arrangement and archival descriptions of the archives of the Villa Lante are currently being revised and updated, in compliance with the ICA’s (International Council of Archives) archival standards. During the year 2024, a Museum on the history and work of the Society of the Sacred Heart will be inaugurated, in the premises of the refurbished Villa Lante Center


C.so V. Emanuele II 44 Torino
Tel. +39 349 2887997
CF: 97804960017

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